Is your brand effectively leveraging the “social billionaire” platform to create a simple and effective advertising strategy? Don’t miss the opportunity to reach the vast potential customer base waiting for you!


Targeting the Right Audience

Accurate potential customer filters based on Facebook demographics and behavior ensure that you can reach and connect with high-converting customers.

Right Timing

With over 2 billion daily active users on Facebook, every business can instantly reach customers anytime with any media, ensuring immediate accessibility.

Right Message

Facebook’s diverse advertising formats such as images, videos, carousels, canvas, allow businesses to freely share their unique stories.


CMEDIA provides an excellent marketing and advertising platform in Facebook Ads campaigns, but you understand your business and market characteristics better than anyone. Therefore, the CMEDIA consulting team will spend time understanding your business and researching the market, analyzing competitors to grasp the target customers, as well as the best way to connect with them on Facebook through both organic and paid posts.

An ad, no matter how good, cannot be effective unless it targets the right audience. CMEDIA has extensive experience in developing detailed, clear customer portraits, and creating core content to help businesses reach and attract ideal customers quickly, increasing the chance of closing sales and connecting with more business enthusiasts.

As with all other social media strategies, the key to success lies in the content of natural posts. With insights from general market research, niche markets, and industry competitors, CMEDIA develops a social media strategy suitable for the business, attracting natural Facebook audiences and nurturing long-term followers.

Unlike PPC advertising campaigns, Facebook Ads are almost entirely visual, requiring a high aesthetic sense. The CMEDIA graphic design team will create eye-catching ads that meet specific requirements for different Facebook campaign goals. Simultaneously, multiple versions of each ad are created to continuously increase click-through rates while minimizing costs for clients.

To continuously improve ad quality, monitoring and evaluating effectiveness need to be closely monitored, including:

  • Tracking the target audience and reach.
  • Monitoring interaction rates.
  • Tracking click-through rates and potential customers.
  • Tracking ROI on paid advertising campaigns.

CMEDIA strives to maximize ad visibility based on remarketing lists of potential buyers, website visitors, email subscribers, and suitable segments in the market. Simultaneously, continuous testing of accurate targeting methods is conducted based on collected data to improve campaigns, maximizing return on investment (ROI) for businesses.

CMEDIA is committed to excellence, responsibility, quick and timely responsiveness. Have a great experience working with CMEDIA!